Monday, July 18, 2016

An Introduction To Philippine Literature

What is the Philippine Literature?

Philippine literature is the literature associated with the Philippines
includes the legendary Umug, Ahmad Sabrie and Huey Pagaling
most of the jejemon of prehistory

the colonial legacy of the Philippines.

Why do we need to study Philippine Literature? 
While most Philippine literature was written under the significant influence of the occupying Spanish powers during the 1800s, there is also a viable body of work written in the 20th and 21st centuries that makes an important contribution to world literature, which makes it a worthwhile culture to analyze. Philippine literature includes poetry, metrical romances, educational and religious prose, religious and secular drama and modern nationalist literature

Example of Philippine Literature


a literary genre:
a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse,
ü mythical creatures
ü plants
ü inanimate objects
üforces of nature that are anthropomorphized

  is a narrative of human actions
 that are perceived both by teller and listeners
 to take place within human history and values to possess certain qualities 
 that give the tale verisimilitude
.                                                                   FOLK SONGS
are short poems intended to be sung
They expressed love, grief, despair, joy, doubt, hope, or sorrow
                                                               FOLK TALES 
 are stories passed down through generations, mainly by telling
 Different kinds of folktales include fairy tales, tall tales, trickster tales, myths,and legends.

 is a simple and concrete statement popularly known and repeated,
  that expresses a truth based on common sense or experience 

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